If you experience any technical difficulties, please email the Webmaster. Other communications should be addressed to the Site Secretary, who will pass them on to me.
The site has two sides, linked at the home page but independent of each other.
There are about fifty texts of various lengths on the Carol Hoorn Fraser side, plus lots of images—the equivalent of a book of almost 100,000 words. On the John Fraser side are the equivalents of a couple more books. All but a handful of the texts are appearing here for the first time.
Some of the texts on the CHF side are in the form of Afterwords to the main ones. The lengths of a number of the texts on the JF side are given in the prefaces to the sections in which they occur.
A word about fonts and layout.
I myself have a Mac and Microsoft Internet Explorer, and to get the text of the site looking the way I want, I have to reduce it to 90% when viewing it. I click on View at the top of the screen, pull down to Text Zoom, and click on 90%.
The Webmaster tells me that the most common PC web browser—Internet Explorer, version 5 or 6—comes with the text set to ‘smaller’ by default, and suggests changing it here to ‘medium.’
The font has been coded for Minion Web as first preference, Georgia as second preference, and then Default serif. You can override these preferences if you wish, but with Minion Web and a line length of about five inches, there is likely to be an optimum correlation on the CHF side between the texts and the images in the margin.
To put things less technically, in the paragraph that you have just finished reading, as viewed on my own screen at 90%, the first line ends with “preference,” the second with “can,” the third with “and.”
The background colour for Gallery, as designed, is black.